Instagram will add new features, multiple posts together with a single post

Facebook’s proprietary photo sharing app Instagram has added a new feature. With this help the user will be able to post from multiple accounts at one time. According to TechCrunch’s report, Instagram users can now post the same content together on all their feeds.

So far, users had to either get help with a third-party app to post it from multiple accounts, or repeat the process by going to each account one by one. After the new feature, it will be easy to manage and multiple accounts can be managed.

While posting, users will get ‘self-regram’ option. This option will appear when users are posters, after clicking on it, they can be posted with multiple accounts. At the moment, this feature is only available for iOS and when the update will come to Android, there is no information in this.

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Last year, Instagram had also added the feature of listening to the pictures of the visually challenged users. The company added alternate text and custom alternate text option, which would be helpful for those who are visually impaired or partially blind.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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