Now Apple enter to make movies and series, deal with the Hollywood company for content

Tech veteran Apple has recently tied up with Hollywood entertainment company A-24. This company will make original content (movies and series) for Apple. Apple is preparing to challenge streaming giant Netflix and Amazon via this. Apple is about to launch the streaming service soon.

In fact, Apple had turned Hollywood towards the previous year. When the company’s Vice President Eddie Q had added celebrity executive Jamie Erlich and Wayne Amberg of Sony Pictures to his team.

Service will start next year, with budget of Rs 7200 crore

Sources said, Apple plan start making the content specifically for the company will start getting on the Apple device in 2019. A 24 is a well-known company and it has released many Oscar winning films like Moonlight, Amy, Ladybird and Room.

Apple has set a budget of about 7,200 crores for generating original content. However, all the terms of the deal have not been disclosed. But it is certain that this deal has been signed for many years to come.

Recently, the company had announced that Oprah Winfrey would also prepare the original program for it so that it would be easy to connect with viewers spread across the globe. Apart from this, Apple has also spoken of preparing a drama series for two seasons of the Morning Show with Jennifer Anisne and Reese Witherspoon. In addition to attracting young viewers and children, various content is going on.

For those who like science and fiction, Steven Spielberg is working closely with the company. Under this, the poetry series ‘Amazing Stories’, which is being debuted in the 80’s, is being remodeled again.

Amazon and Netflix will get the challenge

The news of Apple’s deal has come to an end when Netflix and Amazon Prime Video are making more and more original content to attract viewers around the world. Apart from this, HBO is also preparing to launch its streaming service next year.

At the same time, Disney has finalized deal to buy assets worth $ 71.3 billion from 20 Century Fox. Experts say that it will only benefit the audience. They will have many options available.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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