Snapchat CEO explaining India as a poor country in 2017 Testing started in 5 Indian languages

Photo-messaging app snapchat is testing beta version to increase the number of users in India. It includes 5 and 3 foreign languages ​​of India, including Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu. In 2017, Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel had said that he has no interest in doing business in poor countries like India and Spain. But given the growing number of Indian users on social media, Snapchat has been trying to increase the business here.

Snapchat has given information through its social media account that it is their first beta version that supports eight languages, if you want to use Snapchat in these languages ​​then by changing the language settings of your device, it can use .

India is the second largest smartphone market

  • According to the media report, these new languages ​​include Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Malay, Vietnamese and Filipino.
  • The company has asked the beta tester to share the screenshot immediately if any problems arise while using it so that it can be further improved. However, the company has not confirmed when the new version will launch. It is not known whether or not both Android and IOS users can test it or not.
  • According to a Google report released in 2017, by the year 2021, there will be 536 million or approximately 53.6 million users, who will access content in local languages ​​other than English.
  • India is the second most populous country after China and the second largest smartphone market, which is rapidly moving forward in the use of social media apps. Facebook has more Indian users than Facebook.
  • Indian is the second place to use Instagram and LinkedIn. Therefore SnapThat is testing Beta version in five Indian languages ​​to entice Indian users.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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