WhatsApp can be send you jail, If you are doing this

Do not forget these mistakes

The popularity of WhatsApp is increasing. People are sending messages, photos and their documents with chat on WhatsApp. However, as soon as being popular, WhatsApp has become a haunted place to commit wrong information, fake messages and organized crime in India. Fraud reports are being spread on a large scale through the WhatsApp Group. We are telling you 10 such things that you should avoid. If you do these 10 things in WhatsApp, you can also get them in jail.

  • Due to irresponsible behavior of the other members of the group, the WhatsApp Group Administrator can be arrested.
  • The promotion or involvement of any type of body business on WhatsApp can increase your problems.
  • It can be a hassle for you to tamper with the photos of celebrities and share them on WhatsApp.
  • The harassment of women on WhatsApp can lead you to jail.
  • Using WhatsApp, using a different name can also be difficult for you to play.
  • Send a message that promotes hatred related to any religion or place of worship.
  • To spread violent stories or rumors on sensitive issues to incite violence or riots.
  • Promote and sell restricted items or drugs through WhatsApp.
  • Sharing incorrectly filmed video clips on WhatsApp.
  • Spreading porn content on WhatsApp. Because of this you may have to go to jail.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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