Display, speaker and Powerbank were also included in this bag; If stolen, the smartphone will be tracked

San Francisco’s crowdfunding innovation startup Indiegogo has introduced a bag that features a range of features from display to phone charging point, speaker. The company has named it Keeback. This bag can also be pre-booked by visiting the company’s website. We are telling you about all the features associated with this Hitech back here.

Aesthetic Design: This backpack has been designed like a small geyser. The front has a plastic body. Which has an RGB display. Bag-like strips are given at the back. It has so much space that tablets, smartphones and other small accessories can be kept with laptops with a 13-inch display.

Flexible RGB Display: Vertical RGB display is provided on the backside of this backpack. Which comes with 1044 pixels. It shows details like animation, text, music spectrometer. This display completely changes the look of the bag.

Bass speaker: This bag has a 10-watt speaker, which comes with heavy bass. That means now you can enjoy music anytime. The speaker can be connected to the smartphone.

PowerBank: It has a 13600mAh 4X Panasonic NCR18650B battery. Which supports the back’s RBG display, the speaker. With this, smartphones, tablets, and other devices can also be charged.

GPS Tracker: The backpack is connected with the help of a smartphone app, after which its location can also be tracked. That is, there is no fear of bag being stolen.

Fast Charging Support: 13600mAh battery is provided in the bag, which supports fast charging. Its RBG display can also be turned on / off. At the same time, the bag also has an on / off button. It weighs 1.9 kg.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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