64% of Indians use Netflix, Prime Video Service, but TV still strong media for advertising

With the rise of the Internet, the craze of online video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video is also increasing. According to a report by London’s research firm Global Web Index, 80% of Mexican people use online streaming video services. After that China and Brazil are number one, while Indians are also ranked 9th in this case. It has also been said in this report that the average time of watching TV is decreasing daily, while the time of using online TV or video streaming services has been increased.

The Global Web Index included 1,13,992 people from 44 countries of the world, including India, China, America, France, Germany, Netherlands, out of which 4,157 people had joined India.

More than half the Netflix users share their password
Most people involved in the survey of the Global Web Index agreed to share their video streaming services password with their friends or family. The survey included 61% of Netflix and 47% of Amazon Prime Video users who agreed to share their account-password with others.

Top-10 countries: where online streaming subscribers are the most

CountrySubscribersPeople surveyed
America 70%16,125
Argentina 67%1,573
Colombia 65%1,323
Denmark 65%1,293
Ireland 64%4,157
Sweden 63%1,287

More time spent on online streaming, less time watching TV
In 2018, a user spends an average of 1 hour 9 minutes online daily for viewing streaming video or online TV, while in 2012 it was 43 minutes. At the same time, in 2012, people spent an average of 2 hours and 15 minutes watching TV, while in 2018 this time was reduced to 1 hour 54 minutes.

YearBroadcaster TVOnline TV
20122 Hours 15 Min43 Min
2013 2 Hours 11 Min 45 Min
2014 2 Hours 8 Min 49 Min
2015 2 Hours 5 Min 51 Min
2016 2 Hours 4 Min 57 Min
2017 2 Hours 1 Hour 4 Min
2018 1 Hours 54 Min 1 Hours 9 Min

TVs are the most influential medium for advertising, 36% of people watch them on TV

This report says that after growing online video and online TV coverage, TV is still the most effective medium for advertising. In the survey, 36% of people always watch the ad on TV and watch them buy. Most of them (43%) 55 to 64 years old are affected by watching advertisements on TV. However, only 19% of the surveyed people admitted that they see ads coming to the online video or TV show before watching them.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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