Country fastest Internet service with 1000Mbps speed from 5th September, 4K TV and set-top box free in the welcome offer

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) today announced the launch of Jio Fiber Service at its 42nd Annual General Meeting (AGM). It will be launched officially on September 5, the third anniversary of Jio. The company’s CMD Mukesh Ambani was also present with Akash Ambani and Isha Ambani. Akash and Isha also gave some demos related to this service. The maximum downloading speed of this service will be up to 1Gbps. That means it will be the fastest internet service in the country.

Average Speed ​​90Mbps

Mukesh Ambani said that the average speed of Jio Fiber will be 90Mbps. The company’s Jio based plans will start from 100Mbps to 1Gbps (1000Mbps). That is, users will be able to download 90MB of data in 1 second at the average speed of Jio Fiber. The company has done a speed test of Jio Fiber in about 5 lakh homes before launching. Its live speed test was done during the event with the download speed reaching 1Gbps.

Jio fiber price and plan

Jio Fiber’s high-speed internet will be the cheapest service in the world. The company says its global rates will be 1 / 10th. The monthly price of Jio Fiber Plan will be from Rs 700 to Rs 10 thousand. Users will have to pay for only one service, after which all services related to Jio Fiber like video calling, video conferencing, movie, smart device connectivity, home security, landline phone, and other services will also be free. On this, the company’s OTT application will also be available for free.

Geo fiber-connected services

For this service, such a set-top box will be provided by Jio, on which channels will be able to watch with the help of internet. It will support high-speed internet. This voice will be enabled. The special thing is that you will be able to play a movie, music or other videos on a TV with the help of command even while away.

With the help of Jio Fiber’s high-speed internet speed, users will be able to make video calling or video conferencing from TV. Live video conferencing was also shown during the event. In which the family of Geo Member, their USA friend, and a local friend were connected. All of them were connected through TVs, laptops, and tablets. That is, Jio Fiber Service will also work on all these devices. The company says that it is also the first home video calling service in the country.

With the help of this passive online gaming can also be enjoyed. Akash Ambani showed a multi-player football game with his friend during the event. In which he scored in the first minute. During this time the game was very smooth and its graphics quality was also great.

First-day first show service

Reliance is also about to launch its first-day first show service in mid-2020. With the help of this service, people will be able to enjoy the film released at home. That is, when a movie is released in the theater, then you will not need to go there for it. However, no details were shared about how this service would work.

Jio Fiber Welcome Offer

In the welcome offer of Jio Fiber, customers will be given 4K set-top box free with HD and 4K television. For this, customers have to take a Jio Forever Annual Plan. For this, the company has not given information about the minimum amount to be paid.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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