Every year, there are 4.47 million tonnes of E-Waste in the world, its weight is more than 100,000 tonnes.

Every year, the world consumes 4.47 million tonnes of electronic waste. It is more than the total weight of 1.25 lakh planes. The situation is going to be more serious. In response to a report prepared in collaboration with the United Nations E-West Coalition, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said that by 2050, the annual E-West will reach 12 million tonnes. E-West is considered to be very dangerous for environment and health. These contain harmful metals like lead, mercury, cadmium.

The report says that 1.46 billion smartphones were sold in 2017. By 2020, 2.87 billion people will have a smartphone. By 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected to the network. They range from home appliances to sensors. These devices will also be damaged and the bigger the e-waste will come out.

4 lakh crore industry can stand

  • If e-waste recycling is given the form of the industry, then millions of opportunities of employment can also be found in the world.
  • Only 20% of e-waste can be recycled right now. If the entire e-waste is recycled, then the business worth 4.4 lakh crores can be standing. It is more than the silver production every year.
  • One tonne of gold is 100 times more gold than one ton of gold ore. Despite this, 4.35 lakh smartphones were thrown in 2016.

The unorganized industry at present is e-waste recycling

According to the report, e-waste recycling has not been able to form the organized industry in many countries. Recycling is not fully regulated in less developed and developing countries. Therefore rules are not followed properly. Because of this, there is a greater risk to health and environment.

These countries do export e-waste: America, Canada, European countries, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.

These countries are sent to e-West: Some Latin American countries, including India, China, Taiwan, African countries, Brazil, Argentina, are included in it.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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