Facebook and Twitter will not be able to post fake videos of food and drink,

After showing strict vigil on the media and rumors on social media, the government is now preparing to ban bogus videos and fake photographs related to eating and drinking. According to media reports, the IT Ministry has written to companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google asking to stop fake video and photo posting on their platform.

Indeed, on social media, such photos and videos are often viral, which are used to question the quality of food and beverages. Recently, a video was viral, claiming that eggs were being made from plastic and chemicals were being mixed in milk.

Account Block on sharing such fake video

  1. According to media reports, Pawan Agrawal, CEO of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), asked the IT Secretary Ajay Prakash Sahni to write a letter to the bogus video and photo related to food and drink, after which the IT Ministry On behalf of the tech companies, the notice has been sent in this regard.
  2. In this notice, the companies have been told that any person who shares fake video and photos related to eating and drinking on social media should immediately block their account. It has also been said in this notice that such video sharing on the social platform is a loss to both the public and the business people.
  3. FSSAI has said in a letter to the government that, “Fake video and photo sharing related to food and beverages are a source of fear among the public, as well as confidence from food control systems.” FSSAI has suggested to the IT Ministry that they should ask the companies to appoint nodal officers in India so that the institution can talk directly to the companies when such video arrives.

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Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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