Galaxy S11 can be launched in three screen sizes, powerful camera will also be available

The South Korean company can launch the Samsung S Series Galaxy S11 smartphone in three different screens. News agency IANS tweeted that according to the American tech blogger, this smartphone will be launched in 3 screen sizes. This includes 6.4 or 6.2-inch, 6.4-inch and 6.7-inch sizes. Earlier, Sammobile had said in its report that this phone will be launched in the third week of February 2020.

S11 will be equipped with a powerful camera

Recently, there was a report about the Galaxy S11 smartphone, which said that the most powerful camera can be found in it. It is believed that the company can offer higher resolution and more aperture options with strong zoom in this phone’s camera. According to Samsung Insider, it can be given new sensors with low light photography traitasel technology.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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