Indian scientist built a robot in Samsung, named Neon; It talks in Hindi-English

The world’s largest electronics show CES-2020 began in Las Vegas from Tuesday. Samsung introduced ‘Artificial Human’ on the first day of the show. It looks like humans. The company claims that it is also capable of speaking and expressing sympathy like real people. Behind this technology is the contribution of Gujarat engineer Pranab Mistry. He is the CEO of the company that created it.

Regarding the ‘artificial human’ neon, Pranab Mistry, CEO of Samsung’s subsidiary Star Lab, says that the artificial human is a human avatar of technology. With the help of this technology, such digital beings can be created, which can be seen in displays or video games or which can be designed like TV anchors, spokespersons or film artists.

Based on core R3 technology

Robots are not AI-powered digital avatars AI assistants, nor are they any interfaces to the Internet or music players. This is just a friend. This AI powered artificial human can automatically create new expressions, new movements, new dialogues (also in Hindi). Neon is based on a specially designed core R3 technology. This means reliability, real time and response. Neon is capable of reacting in a moment on the basis of this technology. Neon will be helpful in goal-oriented work – where individuals are needed. It can work as a teacher. May also be a financial advisor.

The name of your city was written on the car – Palanpur

Pranav is originally from Palanpur in Gujarat. He has been working on Neon’s AI technology for the last two years. He has Palanpur written on his Aston Martin car. They say that they make me a different identity.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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