Innovation: Researchers Develop AI Tool, Now Visually Impaired Will Also Enjoy Mimes

On social media, we often share mimes with our friends and relatives, but blind people are not able to enjoy them. They not only have difficulty in seeing and understanding Meem but it is also very difficult to understand it with the help of screen recorder software. To tackle this problem, researchers at US-based Carnegie Mellon University have developed an AI tool based on Artificial Intelligence, which will help the visually impaired to enjoy Mimes. This tool will not only identify the meme on its own but also convert it into a pre-writ template and add ult text to it so that it can be understood with the help of existing assistive technology.

Researchers study 90 million tweets

  1. Cole Gleeson, PhD student at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute, says that mimes are images that are copied and edited into their text. It is especially shared by funny and experience. However, people with visual impairments do not enjoy them.
  2. Mims is largely active on social media platforms, although there would be a lot of problem of putting ultra text on these platforms or you can say that the right feature is not there. For example, Twitter allows people to insert ultra text in pictures, but this feature is not so easy to find. Researchers at CMU studied 90 lakh tweets, out of which only 1 million tweets contained photographs, out of which only 0.1% were such pictures that contained ultra text.
  3. Gleeson says that basic computer vision technology provides the ability to describe every meme, be it a celebrity, a crying baby or a cartoon character. According to a published study, optical recognition technology helps in understanding the text used on an image. Which varies with Mim’s journey.
  4. Alta Tex is the name given to a photo when an image is posted on social media. With this help, the browser has the facility to search the picture. Looking at this alt text, the search engine saves the image in different categories.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

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