Lumix S1H Launches Country’s First Camera with 6K Video Recording, Cinema Quality Output

Panasonic has launched a new Lumix DC-S1H camera in the Indian tech market. It is the company’s single-lens full-frame mirrorless camera, which provides cinema-quality video output. It has a 24.2-megapixel lens. It comes with a new dual native ISO. The company claims that it is also the first camera in India to capture 6K resolution photos and it can record 6K resolution videos.

The Panasonic Lumix DC-S1H is priced at Rs 3,19,900 (cable body). Customers can buy this camera from Panasonic’s retail outlets. This camera has a 5-access body image stabilizer (IS). Which comes with 2-axis optical image stabilization (OIS). The special thing is that there is no limit for video recording. That is, the user can make direct recording until the camera battery or memory card space is exhausted.

What is 6K resolution?

The 6K resolution shows the frame size of any video. That is, Lumix will be recording 6K video from DC-S1H camera, then its frame size will be 6000×3000. However, as of now most of the households in the country do not even have 4K TV, how will videos with 6K resolution be played. Some televisions that support 6K or 8K resolution are priced in millions of rupees. That is, such television is out of the budget of the common man. However, this camera can also record video at a resolution of less than 6K resolution, such as 4K, Full HD.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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