Now, how many times the message has been forwarded in Whatsapp, new feature launches in India

Whatsapp offers a new feature for Android and iOS users in India. The name of this feature is ‘Frequently Forwarded Message’. With the help of this feature, users will now be able to find out how often the message has been forwarded. That is, if a forwarded message gets more than five times the user, then he will know about that message.

This is how this feature will work

To use this feature, users need to update Whatsapp. Whatsapp was testing this feature for some time in the past. Now a new message will appear in a forwarded message only if it has been forwarded more than five times. Both Android and iOS users will benefit from this feature.

A long text message will be minimized

According to the company, how many times the message has been forwarded, it will also be linked to an end-to-end encrypted policy. They will also shorten long text messages. Users will get notifications even when they are sending some messages to others again and again. Forwarded messages will now come with a special double arrow icon.

Details will be available in the text of the message

Select the Send Message from Whatsapp and go to Info to find out when the message was delivered and when it was read. Now, this new option of forwarded will come in this info There will be information about how many times the message has been forwarded.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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