Phoenix works on the plane of light plane, Based on water ship Technique made by scientists

Scientists have made a balloon-like plane that is lighter than the air. It has been tested for the first time recently. Its testing has been done in the distance of 120 meters. Scientists say helium gas has been used in the plane. Due to which the inner part has become like a balloon. Due to the gas it is also lighter than the air, it flies upwards.

Able to fly straight instead of moving up or down in the air

This works on the plain bayonci propulsion technology, which continues to work on it. This technique is used especially for ships operating under water. Its name is Phoenix. This is made by Scottish scientists.

Because of helium gas it flies like a balloon

It flies in the air like aeroplane due to its frequency but it can not be too much up and down. According to scientists preparing this, the engine has not been installed in it and is capable of continuously moving forward for a long time. They claim that this could be the cheapest option for sending a satellite.

Landing can be done with special kind of airbags

A bag is also given in the plane. Which is used to land it on the ground. When it is open during the flight, the air is flooded and the plane starts gradually becoming heavy due to heavy landing. Due to this effect, it is able to fly straight instead of taking it up or down in the air.

Sailor cells get energy from plane

  • Its length is 15 meters and the width of the wings is 10.5 meters and weighing 120 kg. Prof. of the University of Highland and Island According to Andrew Rey, working from light to air and heavy with air works in two ways. Air helps in flying and landing. In it, very light and easy-to-use solar cells are used as batteries, which have been installed in the wings and the rear parts. With the help of these, the pump and the valve in the plane get energy.
  • According to scientists, it takes three years to study its technology and how it can work better. Scientists are now planning to make it even more developed in collaboration with the plane-making companies.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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