Politics related posts shares in highest number, Highest number of comments on abortion post

In order to make conversation more meaningful and meaningful, Facebook changed the platform of the news feed last year. But in a year, this change has been reversed. This information has come up in a study by the social media agency tracking newswatch.

Facebook announced in January 2018 that they are making some major changes to the platform’s news feed algorithm. Since then, news and posts related to media institutions and businesses in the news feed will be replaced by the posts of family and friends. The study has claimed that since this change, users have given more aggressive reaction on the site than ever before.

Changes in algorithms have just been a year now. During the study, the researchers saw what kind of content was shared after this change on Facebook and how the reaction came to that content. After this he has compared it for the last years.

While announcing the change, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had said, “We hope that with our changes, users will be able to see the private moment, which will enable us to connect more with each other. We will be able to feel more connected to the people and the loneliness of our lives will be reduced. It will have a great impact on our happiness and well-being. ‘ But in the study it was seen that posting of fears, shared political posts and angry posts were shared more on Facebook.

Political Post Most Shares

Newsweek has listed the most shared topics in his study. According to the study, 36 of the 100 posts are politically the most. At the same time economics has the lowest 6 posts. The number of posts related to soft subject is only 17 out of 100.

Other topics included in the list include 8 posts of hard / general subjects, 10 of science and 11 post related to death. According to the study, users gave more angie reactance on political stories.

Most comments on post related to abortion

The post with the highest commentary of one year was of CBN.com which received more than 10 lakh comments. The topic was related to the legalization of abortion in New York. The subject of the most shared news of the year was linked to human trafficking. There was a much talked about theme, ‘Momo Gaming’ on the platform, which was increasing the feeling of fear. Studies show that the most shared or commented stories were angry or disturbing users.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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