Smart Fencing on India-Pak Border

Now India is changing and our Indian army also changing. India growing as digital India, So India Army also follow digital steps.

India army working on pilot projects called “Smart Fencing” which is testing on India-Pakistan Border. Smart Fencing working on Comprehensive Integrated Border Management System (CIBMS).
Here are five types of sensors in it – Thermal Image sensors, radar, electro optics, unused ground sensor, OFC based sensor and mini aerostat. These all sensors working together and send signals to control room and control room decide which type on action required in this situation. This system help to the soldiers to make security perfect.

This system secure the 5.5 kms area. Cctv which help to send videos, radar help to find activity, Sonar used for water activity, Optical fiber sensor help to secure fencing, Thermal Image sensors help to find in night or in fog. All are worked on network, So one biggest loophole in this is network and electricity if these two not there than what happens but Indian army install power plant for this.
This system taken from Israel, Israel is using this system from many years. Now India following this as a pilot project. If it is succeed than smart fencing will all Indian’s borders to help to secure our country.

Lets Check the Hindi Video:

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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