Smart Pot with sensors understand the plant’s emotions, creating different faces gives feedback

The European company MU Design has designed a smart potato Lua which will make gardening easier. The company has installed the number of sensors in the Lua device, which tells the user to plant the plant with 15 different types of face emission, and according to this smart Pot plant, how much moisture should be in the soil, how much temperature and light should be available.

It can be operated through mobile app

Pot Gives Happy Emotion

Launch to December 2019

  • This Smart Pocket has a 2.4-inch LCD IPS display in front of which its emoticons are visible. It is alerted by different emotions when the need for water is cold or overheat.
  • It can be operated through a mobile app. This smart pot is connected to the phone via a QR code scan. The user has to select the type of plant so that the spleen can find out what kind of conditions must be maintained in order to secure it.
  • If it is colder, the tooth makes the frosting face, then when the heat is high, it creates a sweating face. Besides, if the light is high, the face with a slant face makes the sick face more prone to water. This vampire face in bright sunlight and makes this happy face when all is well.
  • Lua also has a motion sensor, through which it rotates its eyes according to the user’s motion. The MU team says that if all development conditions are correct, then soon it will be added to the group face which will change the emission once it rains.
  • Currently, it is not available for sale. Developers are raising funds for its manufacturing through campaign and crowdfunding. The company plans to launch it by December 2019.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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