Supreme Court asked RBI about WhatsApp payment service- ‘Whether data store rules were followed or not

Whatsapp is going to launch its payment service in India by the end of this year. In such a case, the Supreme Court has asked the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) whether or not the Whatsapp has complied with the rules to store payment service data in India. For this, the court has given the bank six weeks time. Explain that last year itself, Reserve Bank of India had asked all foreign companies to store payment-related data in India.

Senior advocate Kapil Sibal, appearing for WhatsApp, told a bench headed by Justice Rohington Fali Nariman that WhatsApp has complied with the data localization standards of RBI. He will submit its report to the RBI, which requires some time.

Petition to not follow rules

Last year a petition was filed in the Supreme Court, in which WhatsApp allegations were made that they are not following the localization rules of the data in the payment service. After hearing the petition, the Supreme Court has ordered to clarify the situation within 6 weeks.

Testing with 10 million users

Last month, WhatsApp global head Will Cathcart said that WhatsApp payment service will start in India this year. In India, the company is testing payment service with 1 million users. Whatsapp has around 150 million users worldwide. In which more than 400 million users are in India.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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