Xiaomi brought ‘Mi Recycle’ feature, easy to sell old phones

Xiaomi has brought a new feature for its users so that users can easily resell their old Xiaomi phones. This new feature of Xiaomi is ‘Mi Recycle’. Xiaomi has launched this feature in the MIUI security app. This is another value-added service of the company. It is expected that this will allow the Experience of the Mi Community to be done better than ever.

Xiaomi has partnered with Cashify for his new feature. With the help of this feature, users can check the condition of their Xiaomi phone and they will be directly labeled as the right resale value of their mobile. Explain that
Xiaomi had announced a tie-up with cashmere to launch the Mi Exchange program in 2017.

Xiaomi ‘s Me R recycling device will keep in mind the current market value of its hardware quality, physical condition and model.

Mi Recycle feature will work like this

  1. To use this feature, users have to go to the ‘Mi Recycle’ feature given in MIUI Security App. After this, go to Diagnose Your Phone Option to test your hardware. After completion of this process, users will need to go to the MIUI Security app option. In addition to doing so, this app will ask you for a location permit from the device for the other performance test.
  2. After all the tests have been completed, the users will be given the information of the exchange value of their shawmo phones. After this, users will be given an option to initialize payments. Users can use petty cash, bank transfers and vouchers to expose the payment. Cashoff will get your device packed after the payment is expired. You can also choose the date and time of picking your device.
Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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