Google has decreased price of pixels 3 and 3XL from ₹83 thousand now to ₹55 thousand

Considering the increasing competition in the smartphone segment, many big companies have started cutting prices of their expensive smartphones, now Google has joined this list. Google has cut the cost of its expensive smartphone pixels 3 and pixels 3XL to 27 thousand rupees, which includes a total of four variants of both smartphones.

How much deduction in a variant

Storage Variants Actual Price Reduction New Price
Pixel 3 (64GB) ₹71,000 ₹12,001 ₹58,999
Pixel 3 (128GB) ₹83,000 ₹23,010 ₹59,990
Pixels 3XL (64GB) ₹83,000 ₹27,501 ₹55,499
Pixels 3XL (128GB) ₹92,000 ₹13,000 ₹79,000


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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