Samsung again delayed launches of Galaxy Fold, the pre-booking company is returning the money

Sales of smartphones worldwide decreased in 2018 It was reported that due to lack of special development in technology, sales have declined. It was expected that this year the launch of a fashionable smartphone will change the trend and the smartphone market will accelerate. At the moment, this hope seems bleak.

Korean company Samsung announced the introduction of the Foldable Smartphone Galaxy Fold in February. It was to be launched in April. But, in the review of several Tech Experts, it was revealed in the screen of a weakness. The screen of this phone was breaking after using it a few times. After this Samsung suspended the launch until July. Now the news is that Samsung is not going to launch this phone in July. It will not be available for sale until all its drawbacks are far away.

In July, the disclosure of the Galaxy Fold not being launched came from the stand of American mobile service provider AT & T. AT & T has canceled all pre-booking of the Galaxy Fold. The company who sent the pre-booking was informing them by sending a message to them. AT & T has said in the message, “Samsung is not providing the Galaxy Fold phones on time. Therefore, we are canceling its pre-booking. “

AT & T is also offering a gift voucher of $ 100 (about 7 thousand rupees) to those who make pre-booking to avoid the displeasure of the people. This voucher can be redeemed later. It is not yet decided how long will the Galaxy Fold smartphone be launched. Samsung Co-CEO DJ Koh last last month said, “We have found some flaws in the Galaxy Fold. We hope that soon we will remove these shortcomings and present a good product to the consumers. “

Huawei also launches the launch of its phone

After Samsung, the Chinese company Huawei has also postponed the launch of its foldable smartphone. Huawei spokesman said, “We do not want to haste in a hurry to launch such a product that will tarnish our reputation. It is better that we wait. ‘ However, experts believe that the US-China trade war is more responsible than the product’s quality behind this decision. Due to this trade war, Huawei is required to bring its new operating system. It is possible that its foldable smartphone is not fully compatible with the new OS.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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