351 and 199 rupees new plan launches, unlimited calling for a data plan – Jio fiber

Jio has released monthly and weekly plans for Jio Fiber customers. These are different from the regular plan of Jio Fiber. Regular plans of Jio Fiber are starting from Rs 699 to 8,499. Both the new plans of Jio are getting TV Video Calling Complimentary with unlimited voice calling.

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What is special about the new plan?

In Jio Fiber’s 351 plan, 50Mbps download speed 50GB data will be available for one month. At the same time, in the Rs 199 plan, unlimited data will be available for 7 days at a speed of 100Mbps.

The Rs 351 plan is available online as FTTX Monthly Plan-PV. It will get 414.18 rupees (with GST). Customers can buy this plan with advanced payment options like Monthly, Six Month and Yearly. On the other hand, the Rs 199 plan is available online as FTTX Weekly Plan-PV. It will get unlimited voice calling and unlimited data for 7 days.

351 rupeesUnlimited Voice Calling, 50GB Data 50Mbps, TV Video Calling Complimentary30 days
199 rupeesUnlimited Voice Calling, Unlimited Data 100Mbps, TV Video Calling Complimentary7 Days


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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