Vodafone giving 100% cashback on prepaid recharge

Vodafone has given a new gift to its prepaid customers. The company has announced 100 percent cashback on prepaid recharge in select circles of the country. Customers will be given this as Cashback Vouchers, which they will be able to redeem for future recharging. After Reliance Jio and Airtel, Vodafone has now brought 100% cashback offer for its customers to recharge 3 prepaid recharges. Cashback offer is available on prepaid recharge of Rs 399, Rs 458 and Rs 509.

Vodafone is giving 100% cashback, which will be given as vouchers of 50 rupees. On a prepaid plan of Rs 399, 8 vouchers of 50 rupees, while on the pre-paid recharge of Rs 458 and Rs 509, respectively, 9 and 10 vouchers will be available. According to the expected, Vodafone customers can use a voucher at the time of recharge. Vouchers can be used only on the recharge of that mobile number, from which vouchers are available. That is, if you recharged Rs 399, then you have to pay Rs 349.

Vodafone has a prepaid recharge of 349 rupees with 1.4 GB high-speed data, unlimited voice calls, 100 SMS. Its validity is 70 days. Similarly, the validity of Vodafone Recharge of 458 rupees is 84 days and the validity of prepaid pack of 509 rupees is 90 days. A cashback voucher of Rs 50 is available in the My Vodafone app on Android and iOS. Vodafone customers can use cashback voucher only through the My Vodafone app.

As we mentioned, cashback offers are only available in selected circles. For example, cashback offers on prepaid recharge of Rs 509 is not available in the Chennai Circle. Cashback offers are not being offered on prepaid recharge of Rs 509 and Rs 399 in Himachal Pradesh.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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