Entertainment industry/streaming services have spent Rs 7 lakh crore on content this year. 496 new shows made in 2018

 There have been some miraculous investments in the US. These include railways in 1860, Detroit car industry in 1940 and the fracking industry for oil and gas exploration in this century. Today, video streaming related to script, sound, screen, and celebrity has rocked instead of steel, sand, cement. Disney launched its streaming service this week. The model of Netflix, the leader of this business, has been followed by about a dozen rivals. Over 700 million people in the world subscribe to streaming services. 7 lakh 18 thousand crore rupees have been placed on streaming content this year. Overall, the entertainment industry has spent Rs 46 lakh 68 thousand crores in the last five years on the acquisition of companies and production of programs.

The nature of the entertainment business is to grow rapidly. With the rise of sound in 1920, Hollywood became the center of the global film business. By the end of the 20th century, the film industry was under a cloud of complacency. It relied on older technologies — such as general broadcasts, slow Internet connections, and storage of sound and visuals on complex CDs, DVDs, hard drives. The consumer was charged a huge amount of worn-out content. The first blow was felt by the music industry in 1999. Internet services impacted established companies such as EMI and Warner Music. In 2007, Netflix used broadband connections to sell video subscriptions. Here, the cable companies have been hit. Smartphones have taken these services to the hands of the people.

The arrival of Netflix has changed the landscape of the entertainment business. The old giants had to cut prices and move towards innovation. The days of story writers are gone again. Hollywood studio rents went up. Twentieth-century media emperors are left behind. Rupert Murdoch had to sell a large part of his empire to Disney in March. Amidst all this, the outline of the new model of business is starting to become clear. No firm has more than 20% market share in television and video streaming. The contenders are Netflix, Disney, AT&T-Time Warner, Comcast, and smaller companies. Three technology companies — YouTube, Amazon, Apple — are also active. There is also competition in the music industry. Spotify is the largest company in the US with a 34% market share here.

New opportunities have created economic opportunities. Consumer benefits. Now any streaming service can be found for one thousand rupees whereas cable TV had to pay five and a half thousand rupees. Last year, 496 new shows were created. This number has doubled since 2010. Watching the Oscar and Emmy Award nomination for the streaming show shows an improvement in levels. In the US, the number of jobs in entertainment, media, arts, and sports has increased by 8% since 2008. Salaries have increased five times. Investors no longer make huge profits but those who have invested in the right firms have a good position. Ten years ago Viacom’s shares would have been worth 95 cents (Rs 67) today if he had invested one dollar (Rs 71). For Netflix, this figure would have been $ 37 (2600 rupees).

Many explosive movements are also expected to be destroyed. Netflix is ​​investing more than two lakh crore rupees every year. It will have to increase subscription by 15% to achieve cost and income parity. It seems extremely difficult when more than 30 rival services are on the field. She hopes that she will be able to do so due to the fast-growing international market. 35 million crores on American media companies due to new acquisitions and heavy expenditure. There has been more debt than. There are two examples that disappoint when such turmoil occurs. In the US, there was a fierce competition in the telecom and airline industry in the 1990s. This put an economic burden on the companies concerned. Gradually the number of companies decreased. Today both these areas are known for weak services and high prices.

Audience competition among media giants

  1. Disney’s streaming service Rs 500 in the US, Canada, Netherlands. available in. This year he released Twenty-First Century Fox for five lakh crores. Has acquired in
  2. Warner Media owner AT&T launched HBO Max in October. Apple TV Plus has been launched on 1 November. CBS, All Access and Show Time are also in the fray.
  3. Netflix has not bought any company. Still, he has a debt of over 86 thousand crores. This year, its number of American subscribers decreased for the first time in 12 years.
  4. Since 2010, Warner Media, Disney and Netflix have spent Rs 17 lakh crore on programs. Have spent more than.
  5. Disney hopes that by 2024, it’s streaming service revenues and expenses will be equal. It aims to add six to nine crore subscribers.
  6. Netflix expects to add 27.6 million subscribers this year. In 2018, it added 2.86 million subscribers. 90% of its subscribers are foreigners.
  7. Netflix has 47000 TV show episodes and 4000 movies on its US list. Disney, on the other hand, has only 7500 episodes and 500 movies.


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