Facebook’s shortcut bar features, which will not be able to remove icons

A new feature update has come in the Facebook app. Due to this update, users will be able to customize the shortcut menu of the app. That is, a shortcut has come on the app, whose notifications are disturbed, then they can remove that shortcut from the app. This new feature of Facebook app helps in shortcut bar.

New feature settings

To use Facebook’s ‘Shortcut Bar’ feature, the user has to go to Settings & Privacy => Settings => Shortcut Bar => Shortcut Bar Preferences. From here, you can turn on or off the shortcuts of Groups, Marketplace and VideoHome. After turning off, these shortcuts are removed from the home page of the app.

Such shortcuts can also be removed

If you want to remove any tab from the shortcut bar of the Facebook app, then pressing its icon for a while also gives the option to delete it.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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