Google Assistant’s real-time translation feature, interpreter mode, roll out for smartphones

Previously available only on Google Smart speakers and displays, Google Assistant’s interpreter mode has now started rolling out for Android and iOS smartphones.

Announced at Google I / O 2019, this feature translates any sentence or text to the desired language in real-time, without feature! All you have to do is give your Google Assistant any of the following orders and you are good to go.
Google Assistant rolls out real-time translation facility, interpreter mode, for smartphone

Say “Ok Google” followed by any of these voice commands:

  • Be my Italian interpreter
  • Help me speak Spanish
  • Interpret from Polish to Dutch
  • Chinese interpreter
  • Turn on interpreter mode

According to the company, Google Assistant can help you translate 44 languages ​​in real-time. Like Gmail, this mode will also have a smart reply feature. After each translation, the assistant can present you with a smart answer, suggesting that you respond quickly without speaking.

iOS users have to install Google Assistant app to get this feature. Google has announced that this mode is on for both iOS and Android users starting today.

So next time you are traveling to a foreign land, keep your smartphone handy!

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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