Google will tell which hotel will return full money on cancellation of booking, company is bringing ‘free cancellation’ feature

Even though an epidemic is going on at the moment, but some destinations are opening for tourists worldwide. To help travelers plan properly during this uncertain time, Google has added some new updates to its search results, providing important information such as availability of hotels and flights. The company has introduced the free cancellation feature, in which only those hotels will get information, in which a full refund can be given for canceling the booking. The company believes that this feature can prove very useful during this uncertain time.

Information about flights and hotels will also be available.

In a blog post, Google gave information about some new updates related to travel. Companies are adding information about the percentage of open hotels with flights being operated in the city or country in search results. This percentage will be calculated based on the previous week’s Google Flights and Hotels data. The company is set to launch the facility from next week. Google believes that this feature will inevitably give passengers information about whether hotels are now available to book in a particular area and whether flights have started operating in that place.

Information about Covid-19 cases and local resources in the area will also be available.

The company said that when you go to and tap on the journey you are planning, or search for hotels and things, you will see the trendline about the availability of hotels and flights. Along with this, links to additional local resources will also be available, including the number of Kovid-19 cases in that area.

Objective of the company – benefits to passengers

Due to the uncertainty caused by Kovid-19, most travelers are searching the most about hotels that offer free cancellation so that they can get full money back if they have to cancel the booking. Keeping this in mind, Google is adding filters to look at properties with free cancellation so that the passenger can benefit.

Both features will be live soon

Google says that the percentage of hotel and flight availability will be rolled out next week. Currently, the ‘free cancellation’ filter will not appear in the search results. Soon both of these new features will go live and help passengers make safe and correct decisions about future travel.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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