Apple Leads the PC Market Recovery with Strong MacBook Air Demand

According to research firm Canalys, the decline in global personal computer (PC) shipments slowed down in the second quarter of 2023. Apple emerged as the standout performer, with a remarkable 51 percent increase in shipments, driven by strong demand for its recently launched 15-inch MacBook Air.

The report indicates early signs of recovery in the PC industry, which has been eagerly anticipating a wave of equipment upgrades by consumers and businesses to rebound from the post-pandemic slump.

Canalys reported that the worldwide PC market experienced a decline of 12 percent in the second quarter, a significantly smaller drop compared to the over-30 percent decreases observed in the previous two quarters. The market benefited from robust back-to-school demand, indicating a positive shift in the industry. Ishan Dutt, principal analyst at Canalys, noted, “There are indications that many of the issues that have affected the sector are beginning to abate.”

Market leader Lenovo experienced an 18.1 percent decline in shipments, which was a smaller drop compared to the previous quarter’s 30.3 percent decrease. HP and Dell also witnessed milder declines in shipments compared to the prior quarter. Kieren Jessop, research analyst at Canalys, highlighted, “Inventory levels reduced further in Q2. All customer segments are set to improve sequentially for the remainder of 2023, amid a final push of inventory corrections and stronger seasonality in the latter half of the year.”

However, Canalys predicts that 2023 shipments will still be lower than those of 2022 as consumers prioritize spending on essential items due to high inflation and rising interest rates. Despite this, the PC market is showing signs of recovery, with Apple’s impressive performance serving as a catalyst for the industry’s resurgence.

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Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

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