Fingerprinting Technology is being mobilized with your device.

How did fingerprinting start?

For the past few years, Apple and Mozilla have taken strong measures to protect privacy in their web browser. Tracker blocking is also provided in Safari, Firefox browser. This makes it difficult for the advertiser to follow us on the web and to advertise. The traditional methods of tracking such as cookies and pixels within the social media buttons have become neutral. Due to the technology block, advertisers have adopted a different approach to track people.

How does fingerprint work?

When you browse the web, the browser gives information about your hardware to websites. When you install a mobile app, the operating system shares hardware information with the app. This is because the app should know what type of phone you use so that it can adapt to the speed of the processor and the size of the screen. There are some restrictions on applying data and websites. For example, the app needs permission to access location data, camera, microphone, on the iPhone and Android phones. Many browsers also need access to these sensors. Researchers in France last year found in a study that one-third fingerprints collected by them are quite different and unique. Therefore it can be easily identified. In 2017, at Lehigh University and Washington University, 99% of the users were identified in the method of fingerprinting in a study. Privacy supporters say that fingerprinting is misused because people can identify it by identifying cookies. But, fingerprinting does not seem to be known.

Some Ways to Avoid Browser Fingerprinting

  • For the iPhone and Mac, Apple has started fingerprinting rescue mechanisms in its Safari browser last year. Both of these websites give minimal information
  • Android users and Windows users can use the Firefox browser. Mozilla launched Block Mechanism in its Firefox browser this year.
  • Google has announced that its plan is to present a figurative defense for its Chrome browser. However, he did not tell when he would start this feature.
  • Which apps do you use a lot less? Delete them. The free app is more likely to have trackers. By the way, some paid apps also track.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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