Concept of Internet fasting is being liked by the people of Jaipur, to keep the mind calm, present and accept it as it is. Here is the same Dhamma-Thali Vipassana Meditation Center among the hills of Malta, where doctors and bureaucrats are doing a 10-day course. They fast on mobile, internet and running away. Stay away from mute, family members, even relatives, just meditate.
According to the center, admission is done on the basis of interview in this camp. Getting up at 4 o’clock in the morning, at 9 pm, there is gold. 10-11 hours a day just meditate. Here are two courses of 10 days and 8 days. Admission takes place on the basis of interview, fees are not taken. During the 10-day camp, people fast on mobile, internet and running away, run away, stay away from relatives, even relatives.
In the 290 batch, 70 percent of the youth, foreigners: At present, 290 people are meditating in the Dhamma Thali Meditation Center, out of which 115 are women. According to the information from the center, 70 percent of them are close to 35 years of age. Also 35- 40 people from countries like Iraq, Iran, Brazil are also there. The center has a capacity of 300 people. The person comes here with only clothes. There is room for food, drinking, living room and other arrangements in the center.
Teachers are also associated with the free service: From retired judges at the center to bureaucrats, lecturers who have done the first course here, they provide services according to their wishes. The teachers panel only contacts these people at the course of the course and runs a free course. Area Incharge Vimal Chand Surana said that by meditating, anger, greed or other weaknesses turn away and become virtuous. There are also camps for children. Memory is good.