Seeing the face of the criminal, AI will catch the lie, India will also have trials with the UK.

During the questioning, the culprit is lying or true, now it can be told by looking at the facial expressions. London’s startup FaceSoft has developed a system equipped with Artificial Intelligence that will recognize the truth and lie by reading the emotions of the face. The trial will soon be conducted by the Mumbai Police in Britain and India. More than 30 million facial expressions have been included in the AI ​​system.

The unfortunate prices will be recorded on the face of the culprit

  • According to the startup firm Facsoft, the information about what is going on in your mind comes from the micro expression present on the face. Psychologists first discovered it in 1960. Psychologists first saw patients who tried to suicidal it. Who were often hiding the negative thoughts running in the brain?
  • Phosphate founder Dr. Poniaah says that if a person smiles forcibly, then this feeling is not seen in his eyes. This is a kind of micro expression. According to AI Expert Stephanos of Imperial College London in Research, during the interrogation, the unnatural expressions that appear on the face of the criminal will be recorded. After this, psychologists will analyze them.
  • More than 300 million human faces are stored in the AI ​​system with the Alkoridum database. These include photographs of every age group and gender. There are emotions like happiness, fear, surprise. It will also provide information about the Ai system that is showing more or less on the face.
  • According to AI Expert, facial access can be used to protect people and develop the country. With this help, the angry person can be found in the crowd. UK and Mumbai Police will soon be trial of inmates
Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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