This driverless, the world’s first smart highspeed train; Robots will provide every facility including 5G

China has introduced the world’s first smart and high-speed train, which is driverless, at a cost of Rs 56,496 crore. Running at a speed of 350 km, this train has all the features associated with artificial intelligence, including 5G signal, wireless charging and smart lighting. The train completed 174 km between Beijing and Zhangjiakou on Monday in 47 minutes with 10 stops.

The most special thing about this train is that every technology, even GPS system used in its operation, was used in China. This train has been specially started for the Winter Olympics of 2022 as the sport is to be organized in both these cities.

Appoint only one employee
China claims that it is the world’s first ‘smart high-speed train that is fully automated. No operator is hired to run it. There will be only one person on board the driver who will only monitor the emergency. Robots will also do maintenance and repair work of this train.

Robots are serving everywhere
The engineer of China Railway Seventh Group project, The Kameng, said that the tracks and machines of this route have been completely changed for this train. Robots are offering their services inside the train and at all its stops. China’s railway network is 139,000 km. It is the largest railway network in the world.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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