This Special Technology Will Save Delhi From Pollution

Pollution has reached a very dangerous level in the country’s capital Delhi. Form the last few years, Delhi has been struggling with the horrific problem of pollution in the cold season. Meanwhile, a National Laboratory of the country has certified an air purifying technology, which will work to purify Delhi’s air. Delhi’s air quality reached dangerous level on Tuesday. The main reason for this is dry grass, which is burnt in neighboring states by farmers. According to the Central Pollution Control Board, on Tuesday only 15 cases of pollution in Delhi had reached the deadly level.

The ‘Clean Air Zone’ technologically certified National Laboratory can reduce zoomed PM1 and PM 2.5 to 90% for pollution. This technology has been developed by a company named Evergen Systems and as a pilot project, it is also being used in Delhi’s Gurudwara Rakabganj Sahib.

Founder and CEO of Evergen Systems, Sukhbir Sidhu said that ‘Clean Air Zone’ technology will be installed in many public places including the hospital, school, bus stand. Sukhbir Sidhu further said that his company is talking to many other government agencies and hopefully this technology will be installed at more places soon. The company issued a statement saying that this technology controls the flow of the wind while working on the Lodge of Flood Dynamics and it also has classy air filters that will clean the outside air.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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