TikTok surpasses 150 million downloads, leads in India with 46.68 crore installs

The social video app TickTalk has crossed 150 million downloads worldwide on the App Store and Google Play Store. Apart from this, the app has become India’s most downloaded app with a total of 46.68 million downloads. This figure is 31 percent higher than all other unique installations. According to a report by mobile intelligence firm Sensor Tower, the app received 61.4 crore downloads in 2019, a 6% increase from the previous year.

TikTok gets 27.76 crore new users in India

This year the Indian adopted Tiktok quite rapidly. This can be gauged from the fact that this year TikTok got 27.76 crore new users in India. Which is 45% of the worldwide downloads.

China is the second country with 4.55 million downloads, where this app was the most downloaded, a figure 7.4% higher than last year. Whereas, America is at third place with 3.76 crore downloads, where Ticketcock got 6% more downloads than last year.

TicketTalk is currently the third most downloaded non-gaming app with 61.4 million downloads. Whereas WhatsApp with 70.74 million downloads is at the first place and Facebook Messenger with 63.62 crore downloads is at second place.

In this list, Facebook comes in fourth place with 58.7 million downloads and Instagram on fifth place with 37.62 downloads.

In February 2019, TikTok crossed 100 million downloads. The company achieved this feat within just nine months of having 500 million downloads.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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