The world’s first artistic robot, which will not only make pictures of humans but also talk to them

The British Arts Engineering Company says that he has created a female robot using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can make a picture of humans. The company claims that this kind of this is the world’s first robot. Its name is ‘AI-Da’. This robot is designed by Eden Mailer. He told that this robot has been named the world’s first female computer programmer, Ada Lovelace.

Eden said that cameras have been installed in the eye of AI-Dah, with the help of which it can recognize the faces of humans. Can also make pictures with the help of pencils. That’s why it is also being called the world’s first professional humanitarian artist.

Can make a difference in humans

  • Along with this, this robot can come in contact with humans. Can open and close the mouth like humans. Apart from this, AI-Da can talk to humans and also answer their questions.
  • Design and production engineer Marcus Hold said in Engineering Arts that artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in this robot, with the help of which it can identify the face of the human face and make a difference. “

Its structure ready now

  • AI-DA’s only structure is ready, but it has been tested.
  • Engineers say that there will be a ‘Robothesian’ body, which will also give expression. Its designers are trying to make it look like human beings. They said that it will have long hair, silicone skin and will be 3D printed tooth and gum.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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