To avoid corona, not just hands, also clean the phone every 90 minutes; Reports claim – 3 times more germs than toilet seat on screen

Corona (Covid-19) has killed more than 4500 people till date and this figure is increasing rapidly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also declared coronavirus an epidemic. Advisory has also been issued by health organizations to avoid infection, which has been said to wash hands frequently but some doctors have advised to keep the hands clean with the smartphone.

Experts’ opinions about the rescue from Coronavirus …

HOD Ravi Shekhar Jha of Fortis Escorts Hospital in Faridabad said that there is a need to keep your smartphone clean with hands. He told that every 90 minutes to avoid corona infection, clean the phone with regular doctors’ spirit or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. According to Jha, avoid touching the eyes, mouth and nose. At the same time, the best way to avoid touching the phone repeatedly is to use a phone cover or Bluetooth device. Clean the phone at least twice a day.

According to a report by the 2018 Gadget Insurance Provider Insurance 2 Go, the screen of a smartphone has three times more germs than a toilet seat. The study revealed that one out of every 20 smartphone users cleans their phone once in less than 6 months.

Jyoti Moota Senior Consultant, Microbiology of Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute (New Delhi), said that to avoid coronavirus, the smartphone also needs to be cleaned with an alcohol-based sanitizer. For this, put a few drops of sanitizer on the phone screen and clean it with a cotton pad. Do the same after coming home from office and before leaving home in the morning. He emphasized that this basic method of cleanliness should always be maintained, with the help of the person suffering from respiratory disease or cold, using the phone.

A study by the US University of Surrey revealed that hundreds of bacteria are present on the home button of a smartphone, some of which are harmful.

Suranjit Chatterjee, Senior Consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (New Delhi) said that to avoid corona, we should wash our hands frequently. While sneezing, you should cover your mouth. Other germs, including coronaviruses, survive on glass, metal, plastic and phone screens, so we must repeatedly sanitize the hands to ensure that the hands are clean.

According to the WHO report, people of all ages can come in the grip of the corona, but elderly and infirm people can fall prey to it. The organization has advised people to eat well-cooked food and not spit here and there.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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