From 2020, the ads will come to this app, users will get direct shopping from here.

Advertisements will also be shown in Whatsapp next year i.e. 2020 The company has made this clear during the Facebook Marketing Summit held in the Netherlands. However, from which month of 2020 it will not begin yet. Facebook’s head of media social advertising Olivier Ponteville shared the picture of this summit in the tweet and showed the format of the ad.

Features will be added in the Status tab

The feature that will appear in the ad will be added to the Whatsapp app’s status tab. People who want to advertise will need to share in the status tab. Users can share text, photos, videos and animated GIFs in it. It will remain active for 24 hours. This feature can be added to this feature in the Android 2.18.305 beta version of Whatsapp.

During the summit, the company showed how to advertise on Whatsapp. In the demo, the ads will be displayed on full screen and with a link. By swiping these, the users will be able to go shopping at the direct website.

Focus on Company’s Revenue

The goal of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is to monetize Whatsapp as well as to generate more revenue. When Facebook acquired Whatsapp, it was said that WhatsApp would be completely independent, but later it was captured by Facebook. Now joining Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger and Instagram, is preparing to make cross-platform messaging.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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