Government started web portal service, will help to find it if phone is stolen or lost

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has launched a new portal service to find lost or stolen phones. Union Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad started it in Mumbai. The project has been named the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR). From this, stolen or lost phones can be blocked on every network. At the same time, it will also help in tracing the phone.

Protecting the phone from fake IMEI

The CEIR (website) project has been launched by the Department of Telecommunications. Its primary objective is to block lost or stolen mobile phones on every mobile network, trace lost or stolen mobile phones, protect the mobile devices in the network from fake IMEI. Actually, all phones have an IMEI number for identification. IMEI number is reprogrammable, due to this, IMEI number is reprogrammed after mobile theft, due to cloning of IMEI.

People will be able to complain like this

If the mobile phone is stolen or lost, first of all, an FIR has to be filed. After this, call the helpline number 14422 and inform the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). Your phone will be blacklisted after verification. According to a media report, when another SIM will be used in the blacklisted phone, the service provider will identify the new user and inform the police. This service has just been started in Maharashtra.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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