The world’s first 3-D-printed house will be built for 50 families in 24 hours.

For the first time in a town in Latin America, for the first time, 50 farmers and weavers will have a 3D-printed locality. The place will be disclosed after the house becomes revealing. Claims that San Francisco’s design firm FuseProject will make them in just 24 hours.

This house will be especially for those families whose monthly earnings are less than Rs. 15000. It is also considered an alternative to cheap houses. The company had built a 350-square-foot 3D-printed house in an exhibition in Texas last year. Then it was spent 48 hours and 7 lakh rupees was spent.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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