How much are you eating or how many calories are you burning? Smartphone app will tell you

Two Health Care Gadgets have been introduced in Consumer Electronic Show (CES) running in Las Vegas, USA, which analyzes people’s breath and explain how they should improve their diet. First the name of the gadget is Lumen and the name of the other gadget is FoodMarb and both are very small, which can be kept in pocket. Both of these gadgets are connected to a smartphone app and as soon as you blow them, you will know how much you are cooking or how many calories you are burning.

Lumen will tell, how many calories did you burn?

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Lumen is an inhaler-shaped gadget that measures the level of carbon dioxide in people’s breath. Indigogo, the manufacturer, says that Lumen manages the metabolism of the person. According to the company, this gadget will show that how many calories did the person burn after eating this meal?
When you blow it up, your data will appear on the smartphone app in which you know how many calories or fat you burn? Along with this, the app will tell about the recipes that will help in burning fat. Also, it will also tell you which food is best for you?
he company has kept the price of Lumen 299 dollars (about 21 thousand rupees), whose sale will start after March. According to the company, the app will remain free for a year, but after that it will be subscribed.

FoodModel will know, how much food did you eat

The food marmalade also works just like the Lumen. The person also has to blow up in the foodmorb, which measures its hydrogen level. The company’s founder Lisa Routledge told the BBC, hydrogen can detect that the person is having trouble digesting food.
According to Lisa, this happens due to fermentation in the intestines and in this process hydrogen is released. He said that this gadget will help people who are often complaining of abdominal pain, intestinal swelling or gas.
People can find out the problems caused by hydrogen gas through the FoodMorb. The company said this gadget will also help people get healthy diets.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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