Caller ID spoofing: When you call your own number

Most of the incoming calls from the unknown number are telemarketing or robocalls. But now you will get calls from known numbers from Robocalls and your own number. Curiously you can receive them. That’s exactly what the scammers want. They will betray your identity number and use familiar sounds too.

What is Caller ID spoofing?

In caller ID and phone number spoofing, criminals wear a new phone number from voice-over-IP and phone spoofing software. You see a call from your number. They can make a call from any of your contact lists by wearing a mask of any number. It requires thousands of voice samples and computer model training. Very advanced voice manipulation software is required, but this is not impossible.

Voice Spoofing

Suddenly you call a friend’s number and the voice is also known. There is a cry for help and you are ready to pay. The bus, the work of thugs is done. We are going to face this situation very soon. Voice-transforming softwares are easily available.

How to fight robocalls

Unknowingly, numbers can not be answered.
If the call is coming from my own number then it is a robocall.
Call blocking apps like Nomorobo, True Collar and Hiai can be downloaded.
Soon, service providers are going to start a universal system that will identify and block robocalls. It will be all at the network level. Every number will be certified with a digital signature.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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