For the right size of shoes, Nike added the Augmented Reality tool in-app, gives the right measure in 15 seconds

Footwear company Nike has updated its online app with the new Augmented Reality tool. Now with the help of app, the user will be able to take accurate measurements of his legs according to the shoes selected in the app. This app scans both the user’s feet in few seconds and collects data of 13 points and suggests correct measurements according to the model.

Scanning takes just 15 seconds

A fairly old system is currently used to find out the size of shoes. Nike told that foot rotals are usually used to detect the size of the feet, in which the rural scale is applied. But if you talk about taking the exact measurements of feet, then it can not accurately measure the shoes of different models.

Nike told us that we have used Combination of Computer Vision, Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and many algorithms to create this tool. This technique rotates the measurements of both feet, which includes size, shape and volume up to two millimeters. The measurement taken after which the software is already compiled with the shoes of the chosen shoes.

To use this tool, the user has to install the Nike app on his smartphone, after which the ‘Shoe To Buy’ option has to be selected. After this, instead of selecting the ‘Numerical Size’ option, select ‘Scanning Feet’ option. With the help of smartphone’s rear camera, the app scans the user’s feet, which takes 15 seconds, after which the app suggests accurate measurements of shoes according to the model chosen.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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