Modi’s statement after the Pulwama attack and the MFN word was most searched

After the Pulwama terror attack, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement was the most searched on Google. At the same time, about the age of Congress President Rahul Gandhi’s search was done. According to last week’s statistics of Google Trends, as soon as Modi gave a statement on the Pulwama attack, his search increased. Only the most searched on Google has been searched for him. Along with this, people also searched what happens to the Most Favored Nation.

Modi vs Rahul: What did you find about?

  • Looking at Google Trends from February 11th to February 16th, Modi was searched more than Rahul as always. People searched most of the statements made on Modi’s Pulwama. Modi had said, “Pakistan terrorists and their supporters have made a big mistake, they will have to pay a huge price. I want to assure the country that whatever power behind the attack, they will be punished for their actions. “After this statement of Modi, his search increased, however after 8:30 pm, there was a decline in Modi’s search.
  • The statement given on Rahul Gandhi’s Pulwama attack was also searched. Rahul said this attack was an attack on the country’s soul. He said, “The purpose of terrorism is to break and break our country, but I want to say clearly that no power can break the country. The whole opposition is standing with its security forces and the government.” People also searched about Rahul Gandhi’s biopic and his age. Indeed, ‘My name is Raga’ is based on Rahul’s life.

Most Favored Nation

  • On Friday, the Modi government decided to withdraw the status of ‘Most Favored Nation’ from Pakistan. India ranked the Most Favored Nation in Pakistan in 1996. Most favored nation is the most preferred country. Based on the World Trade Organization and International Trade rules, the status of the Most Favored Nation is given. The country that receives this status assures that it will not be harmed in the business.
  • After the government’s decision, the search on Google’s Most Favored Nation increased. The government had taken this decision in the morning meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, after which the search of the Most Favored Nation increased at 10:30. Apart from searching about Google’s Most Favored Nation on Google, it also searched for its advantages and its significance for Pakistan. Most of this was searched in Tripura, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Uttarakhand, Delhi and Arunachal Pradesh.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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