Presenting the world’s first 3D Printing Hypercar ‘blade’, its chassis is 90% light on ordinary Cars

Los Angeles’s startup company Divergent 3D has created the world’s first hypercar ‘blade’ with 3D-printing technology. It also uses the technology used in the aerospace industry. It takes two seconds to catch the speed of 0 to 100 km. This car produces power of 730 horse power. Its body is made from aerospace grade carbon fiber and aluminum alloy.

Assembles in minutes

  • The company has also tried to show the strength of three-d printing with the blade formation. This car is completely road legal, that is, it will not face any legal problem in running it on the road. It has been given a four-wheel drive. Its chassis made of three-d printing technology, weighing only 46 kg. The chassis of traditional cars are less than 90%.
  • Its design is driven largely by aircraft. Its cabin has been prepared on the lines of Jet Plane, in which the central seating position has been kept. To make chassis light, three-d printed aluminum joints have been connected to the tube made of carbon fiber.
  • In 2017, the company invested 65 million dollars in Hong Kong’s Biliniers Li Ka-Shing. In this, parts for the automotive industry are made, which also reduce the side effects of the environment with the cost. Firstly, the prototype model of Blade came in front of the world in 2015.
Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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