Samsung can launch Remodeled Galaxy Folder next month

After recalling the review units and suspending the launch date for its revolutionary Galaxy Fold due to screen and hardware issues, South Korean technical giant Samsung has said that he will finally announce the release date next month.

Samsung can launch Remodeled Galaxy Folder next month

According to South Korean Yonhap news agency, Samsung is in the process of testing the redesigned model with three mobile carriers in the US and its release is next month.

The two major problems of the Galaxy Fold are hinges on the device and the protective layer on the device’s screen. For the latter problem, the report states that Samsung has put protective plastic coating under the frame of the device, making it harder for a regular user to peel it.

The problem of the hinge has been solved by reducing the gap below which was the main reason for entering the phone for dust and debris.

South Korean technical giants had suspended the launch of the handset for an unspecified time, while it examined several hardware-related flaws pointed out by reviewers. It has been said that the initial findings show that the issues can be related to the impact on the exposed areas of the hinges

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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