A self-driving car, the astronaut will be able to travel 10 thousand kilometers on the moon

Japan’s largest car maker Toyota is building a car on the moon. It has been named Jxa Lunar Rover. In this six-wheeled self-driving car, two people can sit up to 10 thousand km. Toyota is preparing it for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

The agency plans to move it to the moon in 2029. The rover will be transported to the moon before astronauts. Afterwards the passengers will go, they will walk on their own.


Will be able to use up to 10,000 kilometers

  1. In this self-driving car, Toyota has used Fuel Cell Technology, its battery will be powered by solar energy.
  2. The car’s length is 6.0 meters, 5.2 meters wide and 3.8 meters high. The company says that its size is equal to two micro buses.
  3. It has a living space of 13 cubic meters, in which two people can easily travel while four people can sit in the emergency.
  4. JAXA and Toyota will launch it in 2029, soon after the Human Mission of Japan will begin in 2030.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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