Bugs like Robots can fly to height of 100 meters, speeds up to 18 km/h

French Aeronautical engineer Edwin van Rubabbe has created a bug-like robot ‘Metaphlai’ which looks like a genuine flying insect. It flies in the air through a special synthetic process ‘biomimetics’ which makes it feel natural.


This robotic insect weighing 10 grams ..

  • Metaphalai is able to fly fast and slow in the air. It weighs only 10 grams. Its length is just 7.5 inches, which becomes 11.4 inches wide on the wingspan.
metafly robotics
  • It can fly up to a height of 100 meters. Its top speed is 18 kilometers per hour.
  • Meta-fly can be controlled with two channels remote. It can be seen in the video that it is a crash-proof robot.
  • Its wings are made from carbon fiber, liquid crystal polymer and oriented polypropylene. Its front legs and back bumpers protect its body.
  • Its coral motor, which is equipped with aluminum heat sinks, controls its movements. The hybrid lithium battery attached to it supplies power to the motor.
  • It takes only 12 minutes for the battery to be fully charged. It can fly for 8 minutes in single charging. Its special powerbank has the capacity to charge it about 20 times full.
Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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