Dhoni’s Chennai topped the video load speed of IPL 8 franchisee cities, Kolkata number on no 2

Chennai is the best city in eight IPL cities, if you want to take advantage of watching 4G video without interruption. In its report released Thursday, Global Global Analytics company OpenSignal said that in terms of loading 4G video, Chennai is at the forefront of the other eight IPL cities. In Chennai 4G video download on smartphone is average 6 seconds.

Thiruvananthapuram at the forefront of India

  • Talking about the 4G video load speed of other IPL cities, Kolkata is second with 6.2 seconds, Hyderabad with 6.4 seconds and third place. Apart from this, it takes 7 seconds to load 4G video in Bengaluru and Chandigarh, followed by Mumbai, Delhi and Jaipur.
  • Talking about 50 major cities all over India, Thiruvananthapuram has overtaken Chennai in the case of 4G video load time. Here’s a 5.8 second speed to load 4G video. With the speed of 6 seconds in second place after Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai has made its place.
  • OpenSignal has rated India’s big cities in terms of loading 4G video, which includes sharing photos on average with the average time of video loading in mobile.
  • According to the report, due to the availability of data at affordable rates, the habit of using mobile phones has changed. Now millions of people spend more time watching videos on a smartphone.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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