The country’s second robot restaurant, open in Hyderabad, offers orders on tabs here

There are many restaurants and hotels abroad, where customers serve food robots. Robots are serving food to customers in the restaurant ‘Robo Kitchen’ at the Alcazar Mall in Hyderabad. These robots have been named ‘Beauty Serving Robot’. Earlier, the country’s first such restaurant was opened in Porur, Chennai.

On the tab, the customer gives the order, 4 serve the robot.

Customers coming to this restaurant in Hyderabad are given a tab, on which they order the menu. After this the order goes to the kitchen and after the meal, the robot takes them to the customer.
In this restaurant four robots are deployed. These robots are charged for up to three hours for use throughout the day. Manikant, the partner of this restaurant, said, “There is already a restaurant in Chennai and we wanted to bring it in Hyderabad too. He told that the restaurant has also liked customers too.

The first such restaurant was opened in Porur, Chennai.

This month, the country’s first restaurant was opened in Porur, Chennai, where robots serve food to customers.
This restaurant has 7 robots team. They not only serve food to all customers, but also speak in English and Tamil. Female robots have been installed in this restaurant’s reception, which also brings the customers to the table and guide them.

Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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